Tuesday, May 15, 2012

a lime obsession

kasia and i have a new obsession......limes! it doesn't help that our local grocery stores usually have them on sale all the time. i'm always on the lookout for fun recipes that involve citrus in some way. i can't help it! so on saturday night, we made lime freezes while we watched "bad boys 2." i love that movie and had wanted to watch it for a while.

*1-2 tsp vanilla
*5 limes, juiced and zested
*clear soda (we used club soda......next time it will be sprite!)
*vanilla ice cream

kasia was excited to show me how she and her dad get the limes ready to squeeze.....she started to throw them on the floor and we had a little soccer game going on for a while. i usually roll them on the counter, but this works too!

*fill the blender with ice cream
*add vanilla and ice (about 10 cubes)
*slowly add clear soda and lime juice
*liquify until desired consistency

i can't wait to try this with lemons and oranges!!

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