Thursday, March 1, 2012

a new adventure...

at the beginning of every year, i try to sit down and write out some resolutions. i usually have a few standards that are very common: no soda, attend the temple more often, write in my journal...the usual. so far, i've been pretty good about a few of them. it's march, and i haven't touched soda since new year's eve.

one of my goals this year was to cook more: it's healthier, saves me money, and prepares me a little more for the future. my goal was to try at least one new recipe a month. i thought about writing a blog to chronical my adventures. now, these recipes aren't anything spectacular; they're just new to me and skills that i feel i need to have. i'll include the recipe itself and the venue in which i cooked it in. i've also discovered "rancho market." what? how am i just now discovering this? i don't know, but i'm glad i did!

feel free to comment and give me ideas/recipes to try. i want to slowly build up my library of recipes and fill my kitchen with the essential tools needed in a modern kitchen. please note that i don't like mushrooms, olives, or nuts!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new blog! Here's a YUMMY and easy recipe. White Chicken Chili. It's from Gooseberry Patch--they have really fun cookbooks! My kids even liked this:)
