during the course of this past weekend, i think i fed over 30 people in my little apartment. i wasn't really thinking about it until i was in the thick of it all. hopefully i don't burn myself out!
this year i was visited by a little leprechaun! i was so excited to find my apartment decorated in green and glitter, with confetti and chocolate gold coins everywhere!
he even hung his hat over my stove/oven in the hopes that i would be baking in honor of him! if he only knew what was going to be happening...
the day started off in a sleepy manner, having only gotten an hour or two of sleep (but it was a fun night). after cleaning the house again (since my roommate doesn't know how to apparently), doing dishes and laundry, i got the ingredients out and ready to go!
yes, those are 3 corned beef briskets, a 5lb bag of red potatoes, a huge bag of carrots, and a head of cabbage. i was full of anticipation, knowing what was going to be coming in...4 hours!!
i spent a lot of time cutting everything up to make sure they fit into the pots (i was naively hoping it would all fit in one large pot...it didn't...i used 2 large ones and my largest saucepan).
i boiled one of the briskets...filling the pot with water and adding the spice packet, i let it boil over medium heat for about 90 minutes, adding 1/3 of the veggies about 2/3 of the way through. one of my new friends is on the gluten-free diet and i didn't know if she could eat the glaze i was putting on the other briskets!
the rest of the veggies went into another large pot to boil with about a cup of butter (don't worry, it's mainly for flavoring). i actually took some of the water from the pot with the brisket in it and put it in the veggies, helping blend the flavors. i would highly recommend it.
the other 2 bad boys got thrown into the oven. yes, that is a 10" x 14" dish. that's a lot of meat. woof. i put a special glaze on top of the meat which is absolutely delish! i take a handful of brown sugar, the spice packet, and some dijon honey mustard, and just pour it on top. so good!!
such a proud moment carving the briskets! my apartment had been smelling good since 3:00 that afternoon...and i think i'm carving at about 6:30.
our yummy spread: 3 briskets, 3 loaves of soda bread (thanks kasia!!), green jell-o (thanks natalie!!), and tons and tons of veggies!!
i love steph and bri!! we were so excited to wear the funky little headbands with the clovers on them. i think i had about 12-15 people over at one point...including the 2nd counselor in the stake presidency and my bishop. apparently i'm a pretty awesome hostess!
so with all that food, guess how much i had leftover for sandwiches and lunches...? NONE!! i had to make another brisket the next day so i could have some lunch! haha. i love st patty's day!!
boiled brisket:
*put in a pot of water, fully submerged
*add spice packet
*boil for about 90 minutes, adding carrots, cabbage, and potatoes at about the 60-70 minute mark
baked brisket:
*put about 1" water in the bottom of a 9" x 13" baking dish
*put brisket(s) in dish, fatty side up
*mix about 1 cup brown sugar, spice packet, and 1/2 cup dijon honey mustard together until a glue-like consistency
*put the glaze all over the top of the fatty part
*bake uncovered for about 2.5 hours at 350*